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A Closer Look At Aggression In Both Dogs And Cats

By May 15, 2019 June 10th, 2019 Uncategorized

This week we look at aggression, and its different forms. There are many types, triggers, and presentations of aggression. I’d hazard a guess that the most common types we see here at McClearys are fear based, or possession based. Aggressive behaviours are complex issues, and looking for the cause underneath is key to working through and resolving these behaviours. Have a read through the articles below and gather some clues as to what might be going on with your own pet. Then give us a call. A thorough medical exam is always the #1 place to start. Once any underlying health issues have been ruled out, the next step is a certified veterinary behaviourist. We’re here to help you and your pet develop the skills to live as stress free as possible. 

Feline Behavior Problems: Aggression

Aggression, defined as hostile or violent behavior intended to dominate or intimidate another individual, is a fairly common behavioral problem in cats.

Its causes in cats can be complex, both in terms of triggers and targets, making it challenging to find strategies to eliminate aggressive feline behavior.

The consequences of aggressive behavior in cats can be significant, ranging from injuries to other cats and people to the surrender of aggressive cats to shelters. A recent study reported that 27 percent of cats relinquished to shelters for behavioral reasons were surrendered for aggression. Given these high stakes, it is important that cat owners understand the cause of their pet’s aggressive behavior in order to develop a plan to successfully intervene.

Read more HERE!

How To Handle Fear and Fear Aggression in Dogs

When most people think of aggression, dominance aggression typically comes to mind, especially these days when some popular trainers feel as though every abnormal behavior is a result of a dogs struggle for dominance and “pack” status.  Fear aggression, however, is MUCH more common.  There are actually about 21 different forms of aggression.  Not all fearful or fearfully aggressive dogs bite, they may only growl or bark aggressively in situations that upset them.  These dogs generally react inappropriately when they sense an intrusion and worsen if they feel cornered.

Many people feel that fearful or fearfully aggressive dogs have been abused or have otherwise suffered from some extremely traumatic event.  While this logic is reasonable and understandable, more times than not it is because something did NOT happen.  That something is socialization.  Improper socialization can make accepting new things difficult when dogs become adults.  Anything from a blowing leaf to hats to men to only men with beards, etc….  Socialization is SO important!

Read more HERE!


Top Reasons Why Dogs Become Aggressive

It can be a frightening experience: A usually docile, friendly dog suddenly becomes aggressive, growling, lunging, or baring its teeth. In some cases, the dog may bite or attack you or a family member it knows well and has never acted against before. It can be difficult to know what to do when your dog shows these signs of hostile behavior. Since dog aggression can get out of hand and result in injuries to dogs or people, it’s very important to find the cause so you can help your dog overcome the aggression.

Read more HERE!



Protective, Jealous, and Possessive Behaviors

The jealous dog sees other people or pets as a rival for your attention and love.It’s not always easy to determine if your dog is acting out because he’s trying to protect you or is a jealous or possessive dog. Sometimes it could be all three, but there is a difference between the behaviors. Just because a dog is jealous doesn’t necessarily mean he’s possessive or protective.

  • A possessive dog is trying to dominate and control. They may claim their toys, food bowl, sleeping area or owner as their own.
  • A protective dog is showing a natural behavior when they react in an aggressive way if they feel you’re in danger.

Aggression is a serious issue that needs to be dealt with immediately. Anytime your dog is showing aggression, have your vet check them out to make sure there’s no medical issue bothering them. You may need the help of an animal behaviorist to deal with a possessive dog’s aggression.

Read the full article HERE!

Check Out Our New Website!

Our new website is live! There’s a few finishing touches to go, but we’d love to hear what you think. We now have an event calendar that will keep you informed of what’s happening around the clinic, as well as reminders for your pets (heartworm starts June 1st!). You can also browse past newsletters if there was an article you wanted to reread, so share with a friend. Old favourites, such as booking an appointment onlineeducational articles, and How-To videos are all still available. Something else you’d like to see? Let us know! We want our website to be a great tool to aid you in ensuring your pet has the best quality preventative health, and medical care there is. Feedback welcomed & encouraged!

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