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How to take your cat camping

By May 22, 2019 June 10th, 2019 Uncategorized

“Camping with cats? Yes, it’s possible. It’s also a great way for your feline friend to get some exercise and for the two of you to bond in the outdoors. However, you can’t simply attach a leash to your cat’s collar, pack an extra can of tuna and head into the woods with your little campurr. If you want to ensure that both you and kitty have an enjoyable time, it’s going to take a little planning and preparation.

If you’re new to the world of adventuring with a cat, we recommend you start by determining if your kitty is right for this type of lifestyle because if your cat doesn’t enjoy camping, you’re certainly not going to enjoy camping with your cat. (You kitty will make sure of that.)”

Read all the tips HERE!

What To Do If Your Cat Gets Away

If you are camping, hiking or exploring in new territory and your cat gets away – and they don’t respond to you calling their name softly – immediately search all the nearby nooks and crannies where they could be hunkered in and hiding.

A flashlight may help catch the reflection of your cat’s eyes if he or she is hiding in a dark spot. Keep an ear out for sounds, but don’t count on hearing their meows. In new and unfamiliar territory, these displaced cats will not call out for your help.

Don’t forget to look up! Your cat may have scrambled up into a tree. If your cat has escaped up a tree, there are a few things you can do. Remain calm, and take out food and treats you may have on hand to lure them down on their own. Sometimes all it requires is a little patience.

If your cat is injured or too young to easily get down the tree, you’ll have to find a way up to retrieve him. Call a local tree service instead of the fire department. You can also call a local vet to find out what services they recommend.

If it’s getting dark and you still haven’t located your furry friend, never fear. WikiHow suggests searching again after nightfall. “Lost cats are sometimes more willing to leave their hiding places at night, when they can rely on darkness for safety,” they explain in their article “How to Find a Lost Cat.”

You can also set up a humane trap as well as a motion-activated feeding station camera in the area where you lost your cat. Lots of wild animals will show up for a snack but it’s possible that you’ll find your cat in one of the photos.

Click Here to read more

Leptospirosis in Cats

Leptospirosis is an infection of bacterial spirochetes, which cats acquire when subspecies of the Leptospira interrogans penetrate the skin and spread through the body by way of the bloodstream. Two of of the most commonly seen members of this subspecies are the L. grippotyphosa and L. Pomonabacteria. Spirochetes are spiral or corkscrew-shaped bacteria which infiltrate the system by burrowing into the skin.



Symptoms and Types

  • Sudden fever and illness
  • Sore muscles, reluctance to move
  • Stiffness in muscles, legs, stiff gait
  • Shivering
  • Weakness
  • Depression
  • Lack of appetite
  • Increased thirst and urination progressing to inability to urinate, may be indicative of chronic renal (kidney) failure
  • Rapid dehydration
  • Vomiting, possibly with blood
  • Diarrhea – with or without blood in stool
  • Bloody vaginal discharge
  • Dark red speckled gums (petechiae)
  • Yellow skin and/or whites of eyes – anemic symptoms
  • Spontaneous cough
  • Difficulty breathing, fast breathing, irregular pulse
  • Runny nose
  • Swelling of the mucous membrane
  • Mild swelling of the lymph nodes

Unfortunately we do not yet have a lepto vaccine here in Ontario, for cats. Indoor cats have a low risk of exposure, unless they spend time around other animals, or in boarding/kennel situations. Cats that roam outdoors are at higher risk, coming in contact with contaminated ground water and mud. The infection rate for domestic pets has been increasing in the U.S. and Canada, with infections occurring most commonly in the fall season. However spring, especially a wet spring as this one, has plenty of standing water, so the risk is present. Keeping your cat indoors is the best way to be proactive, and keep the chance of exposure low. If your cat must go outside, be vigilant, and let your veterinarian know should any symptoms occur. 

Tips for camping with dogs

Camping season is upon us, and June is National Camping Month. It’s a terrific time to try camping with your dog, or to resolve to do it more often. To make sure you and your dog have as much fun as you possibly can, it’s important to follow the Scout Motto: “Be prepared.” Here are some suggestions to help create an outstanding experience:



  • Let your dog check out the gear. 
  • Visit the veterinarian. 
  • Add dog supplies to your camping checklist. 
  • Know whether the campground is pet-friendly before you arrive. 
  • Bring a stake with a lead, or “tie-out,” to secure your dog when you’re at the campground. 
  • Have extra towels and blankets on hand. 
  • If your dog is crate trained, bring the crate. 
  • Seek shade. 
  • Bring chew toys. 
  • Keep water in the dog bowl and check it frequently. 
  • Scoop and bag dog poop to encourage campgrounds to remain pet-friendly. 
  • Use a pet-friendly insect repellent to keep bugs at bay. 
  • Remember, a tired dog is an obedient dog. 
  • Check your dog for ticks, foxtails, burrs, and thorns. 
  • Stay together. 

Lastly, have fun and take lots of photos!

Read the full article HERE!

Tips For Dogs That Are Lost From Somewhere Other Than Home

It happens. You’re out on a trip, and your dog wanders off. But when they are in unfamiliar territory, it’s not easy for them to find their way back. Check out these tips, to aid in making sure your dog finds their way back to you, should they go missing on your trip.






Leptospirosis in Dogs


Leptospirosis in dogs, sometimes referred to by the short-hand, lepto in dogs, is an infectious disease caused by bacteria in the genus Leptospira. Acute kidney injury has been the most common presentation for canine leptospirosis in recent years. Dogs affected by leptospirosis may show these clinical signs:

  • lethargy
  • anorexia
  • vomiting
  • abdominal pain
  • polyuria (urinating a lot), oliguria (urinating too little), or anuria (failure to produce urine)
  • fever 
  • shivering
  • muscle tenderness
  • reluctance to move
  • increased thirst
  • dehydration
  • diarrhea,
  • loss of appetite
  • jaundice (yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes)
  • painful inflammation within the eyes
  • kidney failure with or without liver failure.
  • severe lung disease
  • difficulty breathing.
  • bleeding disorders (which can lead to blood-tinged vomit, urine, stool or saliva; nosebleeds; and pinpoint red spots (which may be visible on the gums and other mucous membranes or on light-colored skin).)
  • swollen legs (from fluid accumulation) 
  • accumulate excess fluid in their chest or abdomen.

Key Points

  • Leptopirosis is a zoonotic disease found in multiple wild and domestic species, including dogs.
  • Transmission is often by direct contact with urine or other body fluids of an infected host, although environmental contamination by urine can lead to transmission if conditions are suitable.
  • Diagnosis is by serologic testing, along with one or more methods to identify the organism in tissues or body fluids.
  • The treatment of choice is doxycycline, with appropriate supportive care as needed.
  • Vaccines can be used for prevention. Immunity is thought to be serovar specific, so multi-strain vaccines that include locally prevalent serovars should be used.
  • Zoonotic infections are not common, but occupational exposure is a risk factor. The principle route of transmission is by contact with infectious body fluids.

Leptospirosis is generally treated with antibiotics and supportive care. When treated early and aggressively, the chances for recovery are good but there is still a risk of permanent residual kidney or liver damage. Currently available vaccines effectively prevent leptospirosis and protect dogs for at least 12 months. Annual vaccination is recommended for at-risk dogs. Talk to us today, about whether adding the Lepto vaccine to your dogs preventative care program is recommended. 

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