Kennel Manager / Animal Care Assistant
Not knowing what to do with herself the amazing world of animal care found Debbie 22 years ago, and 2 years ago Debbie found McCleary Animal Hospital. Behind the big double doors leading to the back Debbie is at home with the clients. Providing comfort and care, physical and mental stimulation in a clean & safe environment. Whether visiting for a bubble bath, or a pj party or medical attention Debbie makes sure each client is treated individually, and has their specific needs taken into account. Maybe in another life Debbie would have been a mail person because in rain, sleet, snow, fog, hot or cold, brightness of day darkness of night, dusk & dawn the dogs must go out for relief and recreation. It seems Debbie has more weather outfits than some of the clients. Keep an eye on your boulevard for Debbie. She may have Harley throwing turf, Sydney making snow angels, Doc falling over for belly rubs or Tipp twirling for traffic. Say hello and enjoy the laughter!